That was a nice day. I had a fabulous one way transmission to the garage, they were very apologetic and are sorting everything tomorrow on my terms! Before that, I did my Monday weigh in and finally the bathroom scales moved, a whole 3 lbs lost since Friday... no doubt the 10 miles this weekend really helped! Nice to see some results and tonight my skinny jeans feel loose... eek!
On the advice of the running obsessed friend I did a nice easy slow run tonight. I barely broke a sweat to be honest. Kept myself loose, didn't focus on being strong or quick, just my arms not twisting and getting round comfortably. It was the same loop as I did on new years day, and I did it quicker tonight than I did 23 days ago, and that was taking it easy.
Band tonight was hard work, but fun as always. Tomorrow's focus is a long flat (ish) run to see how the weekend's hill challenges have improved my flat work. Aiming for that magic 5 miles in 50 but will settle at somewhere near that 55 or 56 max. This may be the one target I fall short of by the end of the month. I have my route planned though, fingers crossed.
Good luck with the long flatish! Won't be a striking iPhone graphical profile, but hitting your goals is important to keep you moving forward.